The Nimatullahi Sufi Order is a spiritual discipline dedicated to the selfless service and love of all human beings. The foundation of our spiritual endeavors rests upon the practice of ceaselessly remembering God in thought, word and deed. Our guiding principles are firmly rooted in the tradition of chivalry (futuwwa in Arabic and javanmardi in Persian) in the Middle East, where relations among members of society were based on selfless service and consideration of others first and foremost.
Under the guidance and initiative of the late Dr Javad Nurbakhsh, the master of the Nimatullahi Order, the order has established charitable projects at each of its Sufi centers around the world to help address the social and economic needs of our respective communities.
Our doors are always open to any sincere seeker who yearns for spiritual guidance and selfless service.
Information and Inquiries
Sincere seekers – new or returning – will find our main website and the Sufi Journal rich sources of information and inspiration about the Sufi path and mystical life.
Locally, we welcome your inquiries at or 773-761-1616 to arrange a conversation or visit.